
The embedded signup flow simplifies the current WhatsApp signup process, reducing the onboarding period from days to minutes.

Please have all necessary resources at hand to proceed with the embedded signup

A Facebook Account.

During the embedded signup process, you must log in to your personal or professional Facebook account. If you do not yet have one, use the following link to create one:

Facebook does not allow recently created Facebook accounts to go through the embedded signup flow, therefore your account must have been created at least 1 day prior.

Business Manager

It is Facebook’s business management platform for companies that includes all Facebook services and applications (Ad accounts, Pages, Apps, Employees, etc.).

Your Business Manager will be created on the Messaging Platform, and the following information will be required for such:

Creating a WABA

The WABA, WhatsApp Business Account, is a WhatsApp account within which Phone Numbers (or “Verified Accounts”) will be created

Your WABA will be created on the Messaging Platform, and the following information will be required for such:

New Phone Number

This is the number that will be used on the Messaging platform to send messages to your customers.

Watch out because this number cannot be registered to an existing WhatsApp account, whether it is a WhatsApp Business or WhatsApp personal account.

During the WhatsApp signup process, you will receive an SMS or a phone call

If you already have a WhatsApp number linked to the account you wish to activate, you will have to delete said account so we can move forward with the process.

Last updated